Plant Type - Broadleaf
Attribute Filters
Filtered Weeds
Loaded 582 weeds sorted by common name
(582 weeds)
Back to letters- absinthe
- Adam and Eve orchid
- air yam
- allegheny monkeyflower
- alligatorweed
- American barberry
- American basswood
- American beautyberry
- American beech
- American black elderberry
- American bur-reed
- American burnweed
- American climbing fern
- American false pennyroyal
- American hazelnut
- American plum
- American pokeweed
- American speedwell
- American sycamore
- American water-willow
- American white waterlily
- Amur honeysuckle
- annual sowthistle
- annual trampweed
- apple of Peru
- arrowleaf sida
- ashy sunflower
- Asian ponysfoot
- Asiatic dayflower
- Asiatic tearthumb
- Australian water-clover
- autumn olive
Back to letters- balloon plant
- balsampear
- bearded beggarticks
- beefsteakplant
- biennial beeblossom
- big chickweed
- bigpod sesbania
- bird's-foot trefoil
- bishop's weed
- bitter dock
- bitternut hickory
- bittersweet nightshade
- black bugbane
- black cherry
- black highbush blueberry
- black huckleberry
- black locust
- black medic
- black nightshade
- black raspberry
- black willow
- blackeyed Susan
- blackgum
- blackhaw
- bladder campion
- blindeyes
- blue huckleberry
- blue mistflower
- blue waxweed
- bluejacket
- Boston swordfern
- boxelder
- brambles
- Brazilian watermeal
- Brazilian waterweed
- brittle waternymph
- broadleaf helleborine
- broadleaf ironweed
- broadleaf pondweed
- brown mustard
- browneyed Susan
- brownray knapweed
- buffalo nut
- buffalobur
- bulbous woodrush
- bull thistle
- burcucumber
- burningbush
- bursting-heart
- butter and eggs
- butterfly weed
- butterweed
Back to letters- Caley pea
- camphor pluchea
- Canada goldenrod
- Canada lettuce
- Canada thistle
- Canada toadflax
- Canadian blacksnakeroot
- Canadian clearweed
- Canadian lousewort
- cardoon
- Carolina desert-chicory
- Carolina elephantsfoot
- Carolina geranium
- Carolina mosquitofern
- Carolina ponysfoot
- castor aralia
- catclawvine
- catnip
- chamber bitter
- chameleon plant
- chicory
- Chinaberrytree
- Chinese chestnut
- Chinese pear
- Chinese privet
- Chinese sweetshrub
- Chinese tallow
- Chinese wisteria
- Chinese yam
- clammy groundcherry
- clammy locust
- climbing dayflower
- coastal sweetpepperbush
- cockspur hawthorn
- coltsfoot
- common balm
- common blue violet
- common bugle
- common burdock
- common buttonbush
- common chickweed
- common cinquefoil
- common cocklebur
- common cowparsnip
- common dandelion
- common duckmeat
- common duckweed
- common evening primrose
- common groundsel
- common hop
- common mallow
- common milkweed
- common mouse-ear chickweed
- common mullein
- common nipplewort
- common periwinkle
- common persimmon
- common plantain
- common ragweed
- common selfheal
- common sheep sorrel
- common speedwell
- common St. Johnswort
- common sunflower
- common sweetleaf
- common tansy
- common threeseed mercury
- common vetch
- common viper's bugloss
- common yarrow
- common yellow oxalis
- coon's tail
- coralberry
- corn chamomile
- corn gromwell
- corn speedwell
- corn spurry
- cow pea
- crape myrtle
- creeping lespedeza
- creeping primrose
- creeping strawberry bush
- creeping woodsorrel
- creeping yellowcress
- crosswort
- crownvetch
- cucumber-tree
- curly dock
- curly pondweed
- curlytop knotweed
- cursed buttercup
- cutleaf evening primrose
- cutleaf geranium
- cypress spurge
- cypressvine
Back to letters -
Back to letters -
Back to letters- fall phlox
- false daisy
- fan clubmoss
- Fernald's yellowcress
- fiddle dock
- field bindweed
- field horsetail
- field madder
- field mustard
- field pansy
- field pennycress
- field pepperweed
- field pumpkin
- field pussytoes
- floating marshpennywort
- floating primrose-willow
- Florida beggarweed
- flower of an hour
- flowering quince
- fragrant sumac
- frost grape
- Fuller's teasel
Back to letters- gallant soldier
- garden asparagus
- garden cornflower
- garden lettuce
- garden rhubarb
- garden valerian
- garden yellowrocket
- garlic mustard
- germander speedwell
- giant goldenrod
- giant ironweed
- glossy buckthorn
- golden chain tree
- golden kiwi
- golden ragwort
- grass-like starwort
- great blue lobelia
- great ragweed
- green ash
- green carpetweed
- green field speedwell
- green hawthorn
- ground ivy
- groundnut
- Guadeloupe cucumber
Back to letters- hairy angelica
- hairy bittercress
- hairy cat's ear
- hairy crabweed
- hairy fleabane
- hairy vetch
- hardy orange
- hare's ear
- harlequin glorybower
- harvestlice
- hazel alder
- heavenly bamboo
- hedge bindweed
- hedgehog woodrush
- hedgehyssop
- hedgemustard
- hemp dogbane
- henbit deadnettle
- hog peanut
- hogwort
- honeylocust
- honeyvine milkweed
- hophornbeam copperleaf
- horned pondweed
- horsenettle
- horseweed
- humped bladderwort
- hyssopleaf thoroughwort
Back to letters -
Back to letters -
Back to letters -
Back to letters- lambsquarters
- lanceleaf ragweed
- large hopclover
- largebracted plantain
- largepod pinweed
- lateflowering thoroughwort
- lawn burweed
- lawn marshpennywort
- lawndaisy
- leafy pondweed
- lemon beebalm
- lesser calamint
- lesser swinecress
- little floatingheart
- little hogweed
- littleleaf buttercup
- littlepod false flax
- live oak
- long-stalked phyllanthus
- longleaf groundcherry
- longleaf pondweed
- low hopclover
- lyreleaf sage
Back to letters- maidenstears
- man of the earth
- manyflower marshpennywort
- maroon Carolina milkvine
- Maryland goldenaster
- Maryland meadowbeauty
- mat amaranth
- matrimony vine
- Maule's quince
- mayapple
- mayweed chamomile
- meadow hawkweed
- Mexican fireplant
- Mexican tea
- mockernut hickory
- moleplant
- Morrow's honeysuckle
- moth mullein
- mountain fetterbush
- mountain laurel
- mouseear cress
- muck sunflower
- mugwort
- multiflora rose
- musk thistle
Back to letters -
Back to letters -
Back to letters- Palmer amaranth
- palmleaf morningglory
- panicledleaf ticktrefoil
- paper mulberry
- parrot feather watermilfoil
- parsley-piert
- partridge pea
- pawpaw
- Pennsylvania smartweed
- peppermint
- perennial pea
- perennial sowthistle
- perplexed ticktrefoil
- Persian speedwell
- petty spurge
- Philadelphia fleabane
- piedmont bedstraw
- pignut hickory
- pink woodsorrel
- plantain-leaved pussytoes
- plume poppy
- poison hemlock
- pomegranate
- poorjoe
- povertyweed
- Powell's amaranth
- prairie broomweed
- prairie fleabane
- prairie tea
- prickly lettuce
- prickly Russian thistle
- prickly sida
- princesstree
- prostrate knotweed
- prostrate pigweed
- purple ammannia
- purple deadnettle
- purple loosestrife
- purple passionflower
- purslane speedwell
Back to letters -
Back to letters- rabbit-tobacco
- rabbitfoot clover
- ram's horn
- ramtilla
- rape
- rare clubmoss
- red clover
- red maple
- red mulberry
- red sandspurry
- red stemmed parrots feather
- redroot amaranth
- redstar
- redstem stork's bill
- rice button aster
- roadside pennycress
- roughfruit amaranth
- roundleaf greenbriar
- rugosa rose
- rusty blackhaw
Back to letters- sassafras
- saucer magnolia
- sawtooth blackberry
- sawtooth oak
- scarlet pimpernel
- scentless false mayweed
- Scotch broom
- sensitive fern
- sensitive partridge pea
- sericea lespedeza
- shaggy soldier
- sharpleaf cancerwort
- shepherd's purse
- shining bedstraw
- showy rattlebox
- Siberian ligularia
- sicklepod
- silktree
- silky dogwood
- silverleaf nightshade
- silvery everlasting
- sleepydick
- slender amaranth
- slender parsley piert
- small geranium
- small hopclover
- small pondweed
- smallflower buttercup
- smallflower morningglory
- smallspike false nettle
- smooth aster
- smooth bedstraw
- smooth hawksbeard
- smooth pigweed
- smooth rattlebox
- smooth sumac
- sneezeweed
- soapwort
- sourwood
- southern waternymph
- soybean
- Spanish needles
- spiny amaranth
- spiny plumeless thistle
- spiny sowthistle
- spoonleaf purple everlasting
- spotted knapweed
- spotted ladysthumb
- spotted sandmat
- spotted St. Johnswort
- spotted water hemlock
- spring avens
- spring draba
- spurred anoda
- squirrel corn
- St. Andrew's cross
- St. Anthony's turnip
- starch grape hyacinth
- stickbush
- stickweed
- sticky chickweed
- sticky ragwort
- stickywilly
- stiff dogwood
- stinging nettle
- stringy stonecrop
- striped prince's pine
- sugar maple
- sulphur cinquefoil
- sun spurge
- swamp bay
- swamp smartweed
- swamp tupelo
- swamp verbena
- sweet autumn virginsbower
- sweet bay
- sweet clover
- sweet fennel
- sweet sagewort
- sweetgum
- sweetscented bedstraw
Back to letters- tall globethistle
- tall morningglory
- Tatarian honeysuckle
- threadstalk speedwell
- throughwort pennycress
- Thunbergs meadowsweet
- thymeleaf speedwell
- toothed spurge
- trailing pearlwort
- tree-of-a-thousand-stars
- tree-of-heaven
- trumpet creeper
- trumpetweed
- tuliptree
- twoheaded water-starwort
- twoleaf watermilfoil
Back to letters -
Back to letters- watercress
- watershield
- waterthread pondweed
- waterthyme
- wax myrtle
- western brackenfern
- western marsh cudweed
- western salsify
- white ash
- white clover
- white heath aster
- white mulberry
- white panicle aster
- white snakeroot
- white vervain
- whitestar
- whorled yellow loosestrife
- wild basil
- wild blue phlox
- wild buckwheat
- wild four-o'clock
- wild grapes
- wild mustard
- wild parsnip
- wild radish
- wild sarsaparilla
- wine raspberry
- winged sumac
- wingstem
- winter-flowering cherry
- wintergreen barberry
- woodland bittercress
- woodland lettuce
- woolly burdock
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