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Weed Identification

eastern redcedar



Scientific Name

Juniperus virginiana

Other Common Names:

red cedar juniper


Eastern red cedar grows to be between 30 and 40 feet tall and 10 to 15 feet wide. It can grow in a wide range of soil types and prefers sun.


Two types of leaves are present on eastern red cedar. Scale leaves are four sided. They are about 1/16 inch long and are dark green in color. All leaves are 1/8 to 3/8 inch long, are dark blue green and sharply pointed. They are often found on young trees.

Identifying Characteristics

Eastern red cedar is known as the only cedar to grow east of the Mississippi river. It is tolerant of most conditions and is often found as an early colonizer of old fields.

Flower Seed Head

The flowers of eastern red cedar are dioecious. The male flowers are yellow to brown in color, while the female are light blue to green.

Seed Fruit

Eastern red cedar has berry like cones. They appear green in spring, then become a dark blue color with a white coating. They are about 1/4 inch in diameter and appear as early as March, maturing from September to November.

Where Found

Eastern red cedar is found throughout the eastern United States, as far west as Colorado. It is also found in Oregon.

Growth Habit

woody bush or tree

Thorns or Spines

not present

Leaf Hairs

no hairs

Leaf Shape


Leaf Arrangement


Stem Hairs

no hairs

Stem Cross Section

round or oval

Milky Sap

not present

Life Cycle



not present

Plant Type
