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Weed Identification

blue mistflower



Scientific Name

Conoclinium coelestinum

Other Common Names:

wild ageratum

Synonyms (former Scientific Names):

Eupatorium coelestinum


The opposite leaves are oval-shaped, hairy, and have toothed edges

Identifying Characteristics

Sunflower Family (Asteraceae). Mistflower is an erect (to 3 feet), rhizomatous perennial, often forming colonies. It is a U.S. native.Mistflower is adapted to most soil types, but is especially suited to heavy textured and to highly organic soils. Natural stands are found on moist to wet sites, such as low woods, wet meadows, and ditches. It grows best in full sun, but will tolerate light shade.

Flower Seed Head

The small flower heads are clustered at the top of the plant. They are powder blue to violet and fluffy in appearance, similar to Ageratums used as garden bedding plants.

Seed Fruit

The tiny seeds are black, elongated, and have long white hairs attached to one end.

Where Found

Blue mistflower is distributed throughout the eastern and midwest United States.

Life Cycle


Plant Type
