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Weed Identification

scentless false mayweed



Scientific Name

Matricaria perforata

Other Common Names:

scentless chamomile

Synonyms (former Scientific Names):

Tripleurospermum inodorum
Matricaria maritima var. agrestis
Matricaria inodora
Matricaria perforata
Chamomilla inodora


Seedlings exhibit 2-3 mm cotyledons that are stalkless and ovate in shape. Flowering in its first year's growth, scentless chamomile produces vast numbers of seed. The branching 1 m stems arise from a fibrous root system and are hairless.


Made up of several narrow or threadlike branching segments, the leaves are generally 2-8 cm long and are hairless with little to no stalk.

Identifying Characteristics

The leaves are odorless and divided into narrow segments with daisy-like flowers.

Flower Seed Head

Daisy like flowers 3-4 cm wide, with white ray flowers, and yellow disk flowers.

Seed Fruit

Each of the over 300,000 seeds produced by each plant grows in its own achene. Bearing 3 prominent ribs, seeds are brown, 2mm long and rectangle-shaped with a pappus composed of small scales.

Where Found

Often found in forage, non-cropland and recently in, cultivated crops throughout the United States and Canada.

Life Cycle


Plant Type
