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Weed Identification




Scientific Name

Murdannia nudiflora

Other Common Names:

nakedstem dewflower

Synonyms (former Scientific Names):

Aneilema nudiflorum
Aneilema nudicaule
Commelina nudiflora


: Leaves are fleshy and linear in outline, approximately 3/4 to 4 inches long, 2 to 5 mm wide. Leaf sheaths have soft hairs on the upper margins.

Identifying Characteristics

An annual weed that resembles a grass but has creeping stems that root at the nodes and purple or blue flowers. Plants with fleshy, linear leaves that resemble some grasses. Also, the creeping stems and small blue or purple flowers of this weed help to identify it from most other similar weeds.

Flower Seed Head

Stems: Stems are not readily evident, but upon closer examination, stems can be seen close to the ground and rooting at the nodes.Roots: A fibrous root system.Flowers: Flowers occur in small clusters on short flower stalks (peduncles). Flowers are blue to purple in color with petals that are 5 to 8 mm long.

Seed Fruit

A capsule that is 3 to 5 mm wide

Where Found

Doveweed is primarily a weed of turfgrass that is now found in eastern Virginia, but is most common from North Carolina to Florida and west to Texas.

Life Cycle


Plant Type
