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Weed Identification

Plant Type - Broadleaf

Filtered Weeds

Loaded 356 weeds sorted by common name (356 weeds)
  1. A

    Back to letters
    1. absinthe
    2. Adam and Eve orchid
    3. air yam
    4. allegheny monkeyflower
    5. alligatorweed
    6. American barberry
    7. American basswood
    8. American beautyberry
    9. American beech
    10. American black elderberry
    11. American climbing fern
    12. American hazelnut
    13. American plum
    14. American pokeweed
    15. American speedwell
    16. American sycamore
    17. American water-willow
    18. American white waterlily
    19. Amur honeysuckle
    20. ashy sunflower
    21. Asian ponysfoot
    22. Australian water-clover
    23. autumn olive
  2. B

    Back to letters
    1. balloon plant
    2. big chickweed
    3. bird's-foot trefoil
    4. bishop's weed
    5. bitter dock
    6. bitternut hickory
    7. bittersweet nightshade
    8. black bugbane
    9. black cherry
    10. black highbush blueberry
    11. black huckleberry
    12. black locust
    13. black nightshade
    14. black raspberry
    15. black willow
    16. blackeyed Susan
    17. blackgum
    18. blackhaw
    19. bladder campion
    20. blue huckleberry
    21. blue mistflower
    22. bluejacket
    23. Boston swordfern
    24. boxelder
    25. brambles
    26. Brazilian waterweed
    27. broadleaf helleborine
    28. broadleaf ironweed
    29. broadleaf pondweed
    30. browneyed Susan
    31. brownray knapweed
    32. buffalo nut
    33. burningbush
    34. bursting-heart
    35. butter and eggs
    36. butterfly weed
  3. C

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    1. camphor pluchea
    2. Canada goldenrod
    3. Canada thistle
    4. Canadian lousewort
    5. cardoon
    6. Carolina elephantsfoot
    7. Carolina ponysfoot
    8. castor aralia
    9. catclawvine
    10. chameleon plant
    11. chicory
    12. Chinaberrytree
    13. Chinese chestnut
    14. Chinese pear
    15. Chinese privet
    16. Chinese sweetshrub
    17. Chinese tallow
    18. Chinese wisteria
    19. Chinese yam
    20. clammy groundcherry
    21. clammy locust
    22. coastal sweetpepperbush
    23. cockspur hawthorn
    24. coltsfoot
    25. common balm
    26. common blue violet
    27. common bugle
    28. common buttonbush
    29. common cinquefoil
    30. common cowparsnip
    31. common dandelion
    32. common duckweed
    33. common hop
    34. common milkweed
    35. common mouse-ear chickweed
    36. common periwinkle
    37. common persimmon
    38. common plantain
    39. common selfheal
    40. common sheep sorrel
    41. common speedwell
    42. common St. Johnswort
    43. common sweetleaf
    44. common tansy
    45. common yarrow
    46. common yellow oxalis
    47. coon's tail
    48. coralberry
    49. crape myrtle
    50. creeping lespedeza
    51. creeping primrose
    52. creeping strawberry bush
    53. creeping woodsorrel
    54. creeping yellowcress
    55. crosswort
    56. crownvetch
    57. cucumber-tree
    58. curly dock
    59. curly pondweed
    60. cursed buttercup
    61. cypress spurge
  4. D

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    1. dames rocket
    2. deerberry
    3. Deptford pink
    4. devil's grandmother
    5. devil's walkingstick
    6. dogfennel
    7. dotted smartweed
    8. doveweed
  5. E

    Back to letters
    1. eastern baccharis
    2. eastern cottonwood
    3. eastern poison ivy
    4. eastern redbud
    5. eastern redcedar
    6. edible fig
    7. English ivy
    8. English yew
    9. Eurasian watermilfoil
    10. European cranberrybush
  6. F

    Back to letters
    1. fall phlox
    2. fan clubmoss
    3. fiddle dock
    4. field bindweed
    5. field horsetail
    6. field pussytoes
    7. floating marshpennywort
    8. floating primrose-willow
    9. flowering quince
    10. fragrant sumac
    11. frost grape
  7. G

    Back to letters
    1. garden asparagus
    2. garden rhubarb
    3. garden valerian
    4. germander speedwell
    5. giant goldenrod
    6. giant ironweed
    7. glossy buckthorn
    8. golden chain tree
    9. golden kiwi
    10. golden ragwort
    11. grass-like starwort
    12. great blue lobelia
    13. green ash
    14. green hawthorn
    15. ground ivy
    16. groundnut
    17. Guadeloupe cucumber
  8. H

    Back to letters
    1. hairy angelica
    2. hairy cat's ear
    3. hardy orange
    4. harlequin glorybower
    5. harvestlice
    6. hazel alder
    7. heavenly bamboo
    8. hedge bindweed
    9. hedgehyssop
    10. hemp dogbane
    11. honeylocust
    12. honeyvine milkweed
    13. horned pondweed
    14. horsenettle
    15. humped bladderwort
    16. hyssopleaf thoroughwort
  9. I

    Back to letters
    1. incense cedar
    2. Indian strawberry
  10. J

    Back to letters
    1. Japanese barberry
    2. Japanese flowering cherry
    3. Japanese holly
    4. Japanese honeysuckle
    5. Japanese hop
    6. Japanese knotweed
    7. Japanese maple
    8. Japanese spindletree
    9. Japanese spirea
    10. Jerusalem artichoke
    11. jetbead
  11. K

    Back to letters
    1. kudzu
  12. L

    Back to letters
    1. largepod pinweed
    2. lateflowering thoroughwort
    3. lawn marshpennywort
    4. lawndaisy
    5. leafy pondweed
    6. lemon beebalm
    7. lesser calamint
    8. little floatingheart
    9. live oak
    10. long-stalked phyllanthus
    11. longleaf pondweed
    12. lyreleaf sage
  13. M

    Back to letters
    1. maidenstears
    2. man of the earth
    3. manyflower marshpennywort
    4. maroon Carolina milkvine
    5. Maryland goldenaster
    6. Maryland meadowbeauty
    7. matrimony vine
    8. Maule's quince
    9. mayapple
    10. meadow hawkweed
    11. mockernut hickory
    12. Morrow's honeysuckle
    13. mountain fetterbush
    14. mountain laurel
    15. muck sunflower
    16. mugwort
    17. multiflora rose
  14. N

    Back to letters
    1. narrowleaf mountainmint
    2. narrowleaf pinweed
    3. narrowleaf plantain
    4. nettleleaf noseburn
    5. northern bog violet
    6. northern catalpa
    7. northern dewberry
    8. northern red oak
  15. O

    Back to letters
    1. orange hawkweed
    2. oregano
    3. Oriental bittersweet
    4. osage orange
    5. oxeye daisy
  16. P

    Back to letters
    1. palmleaf morningglory
    2. panicledleaf ticktrefoil
    3. paper mulberry
    4. parrot feather watermilfoil
    5. pawpaw
    6. peppermint
    7. perennial pea
    8. perennial sowthistle
    9. perplexed ticktrefoil
    10. pignut hickory
    11. pink woodsorrel
    12. plantain-leaved pussytoes
    13. plume poppy
    14. pomegranate
    15. povertyweed
    16. princesstree
    17. purple loosestrife
    18. purple passionflower
  17. Q

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    1. quince
  18. R

    Back to letters
    1. rare clubmoss
    2. red clover
    3. red maple
    4. red mulberry
    5. red sandspurry
    6. red stemmed parrots feather
    7. rice button aster
    8. roundleaf greenbriar
    9. rugosa rose
    10. rusty blackhaw
  19. S

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    1. sassafras
    2. saucer magnolia
    3. sawtooth blackberry
    4. sawtooth oak
    5. Scotch broom
    6. sensitive fern
    7. sericea lespedeza
    8. shining bedstraw
    9. Siberian ligularia
    10. silktree
    11. silky dogwood
    12. silverleaf nightshade
    13. small pondweed
    14. smallspike false nettle
    15. smooth aster
    16. smooth bedstraw
    17. smooth sumac
    18. soapwort
    19. sourwood
    20. spotted knapweed
    21. spotted St. Johnswort
    22. spring avens
    23. squirrel corn
    24. St. Andrew's cross
    25. St. Anthony's turnip
    26. stickbush
    27. stickweed
    28. stickywilly
    29. stiff dogwood
    30. stinging nettle
    31. stringy stonecrop
    32. striped prince's pine
    33. sugar maple
    34. sulphur cinquefoil
    35. swamp bay
    36. swamp smartweed
    37. swamp tupelo
    38. swamp verbena
    39. sweet autumn virginsbower
    40. sweet bay
    41. sweetgum
    42. sweetscented bedstraw
  20. T

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    1. tall globethistle
    2. Tatarian honeysuckle
    3. threadstalk speedwell
    4. Thunbergs meadowsweet
    5. thymeleaf speedwell
    6. tree-of-a-thousand-stars
    7. tree-of-heaven
    8. trumpet creeper
    9. trumpetweed
    10. tuliptree
    11. twoleaf watermilfoil
  21. V

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    1. Virginia buttonweed
    2. Virginia creeper
    3. Virginia glasswort
    4. Virginia mountainmint
    5. Virginia strawberry
    6. Virginia sweetspire
  22. W

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    1. watercress
    2. watershield
    3. waterthread pondweed
    4. waterthyme
    5. wax myrtle
    6. western brackenfern
    7. white ash
    8. white clover
    9. white heath aster
    10. white mulberry
    11. white panicle aster
    12. white snakeroot
    13. white vervain
    14. whorled yellow loosestrife
    15. wild basil
    16. wild blue phlox
    17. wild four-o'clock
    18. wild grapes
    19. wild parsnip
    20. wild sarsaparilla
    21. wine raspberry
    22. winged sumac
    23. wingstem
    24. winter-flowering cherry
    25. wintergreen barberry
  23. Y

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    1. yaupon
    2. yellow archangel
    3. yellow floatingheart
    4. yellow passionflower
    5. yellow spring bedstraw