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Weed Identification

Plant Type - Broadleaf

Filtered Weeds

Loaded 79 weeds sorted by common name (79 weeds)
  1. A

    Back to letters
    1. alligatorweed
    2. American pokeweed
    3. American speedwell
    4. Asian ponysfoot
    5. Australian water-clover
    6. autumn olive
  2. B

    Back to letters
    1. big chickweed
    2. bishop's weed
    3. black locust
    4. black nightshade
    5. bladder campion
  3. C

    Back to letters
    1. camphor pluchea
    2. Carolina elephantsfoot
    3. Carolina ponysfoot
    4. Chinese privet
    5. Chinese wisteria
    6. common blue violet
    7. common milkweed
    8. common mouse-ear chickweed
    9. common persimmon
    10. common plantain
    11. common speedwell
    12. common yarrow
    13. coralberry
    14. crownvetch
  4. D

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    1. devil's walkingstick
    2. dogfennel
  5. E

    Back to letters
    1. eastern poison ivy
    2. English ivy
  6. F

    Back to letters
    1. fall phlox
    2. field bindweed
  7. H

    Back to letters
    1. hairy angelica
    2. hardy orange
    3. heavenly bamboo
    4. hedge bindweed
    5. hemp dogbane
    6. honeyvine milkweed
    7. horsenettle
    8. hyssopleaf thoroughwort
  8. J

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    1. Japanese honeysuckle
    2. Japanese knotweed
  9. L

    Back to letters
    1. lateflowering thoroughwort
    2. lawndaisy
  10. M

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    1. maidenstears
    2. man of the earth
    3. manyflower marshpennywort
    4. mayapple
    5. Morrow's honeysuckle
    6. mugwort
    7. multiflora rose
  11. N

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    1. northern catalpa
    2. northern dewberry
  12. O

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    1. oxeye daisy
  13. P

    Back to letters
    1. perennial pea
    2. plantain-leaved pussytoes
    3. purple passionflower
  14. R

    Back to letters
    1. red mulberry
  15. S

    Back to letters
    1. sericea lespedeza
    2. smooth bedstraw
    3. sourwood
    4. stickywilly
    5. sweetscented bedstraw
  16. T

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    1. tall globethistle
    2. Tatarian honeysuckle
    3. threadstalk speedwell
    4. thymeleaf speedwell
    5. tree-of-heaven
  17. V

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    1. Virginia buttonweed
    2. Virginia creeper
    3. Virginia strawberry
    4. Virginia sweetspire
  18. W

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    1. white clover
    2. white heath aster
    3. white mulberry
    4. white snakeroot
    5. white vervain
    6. wild basil
    7. wild blue phlox
    8. wild sarsaparilla