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Weed Identification

Plant Type - Broadleaf

Filtered Weeds

Loaded 138 weeds sorted by common name (138 weeds)
  1. A

    Back to letters
    1. absinthe
    2. air yam
    3. American burnweed
    4. American pokeweed
    5. American sycamore
    6. annual sowthistle
    7. Asiatic dayflower
    8. autumn olive
  2. B

    Back to letters
    1. bearded beggarticks
    2. bigpod sesbania
    3. bird's-foot trefoil
    4. bitter dock
    5. black medic
    6. browneyed Susan
    7. burcucumber
    8. butterfly weed
    9. butterweed
  3. C

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    1. Canada goldenrod
    2. Canada lettuce
    3. Canada thistle
    4. Canada toadflax
    5. Carolina elephantsfoot
    6. Carolina geranium
    7. Carolina ponysfoot
    8. chamber bitter
    9. Chinese yam
    10. climbing dayflower
    11. common cocklebur
    12. common groundsel
    13. common mallow
    14. common ragweed
    15. common sheep sorrel
    16. common yarrow
    17. common yellow oxalis
    18. corn chamomile
    19. corn gromwell
    20. creeping lespedeza
    21. creeping woodsorrel
    22. curlytop knotweed
    23. cursed buttercup
    24. cutleaf geranium
  4. D

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    1. devil's walkingstick
    2. disc mayweed
    3. dogfennel
  5. E

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    1. early yellowrocket
    2. eastern black nightshade
    3. eastern daisy fleabane
    4. eastern poison ivy
    5. eastern redbud
    6. English ivy
  6. F

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    1. false daisy
    2. fiddle dock
    3. field pansy
    4. field pepperweed
    5. field pussytoes
    6. Florida beggarweed
    7. fragrant sumac
  7. G

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    1. garden yellowrocket
    2. giant goldenrod
    3. giant ironweed
    4. green field speedwell
  8. H

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    1. hairy bittercress
    2. hairy vetch
    3. hedgemustard
    4. honeylocust
    5. hophornbeam copperleaf
    6. horsenettle
    7. horseweed
  9. I

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    1. ivyleaf speedwell
  10. J

    Back to letters
    1. Japanese barberry
    2. Japanese clover
    3. Japanese knotweed
  11. K

    Back to letters
    1. kochia
  12. L

    Back to letters
    1. lambsquarters
    2. lanceleaf ragweed
    3. little hogweed
    4. littleleaf buttercup
    5. live oak
  13. M

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    1. manyflower marshpennywort
    2. mouseear cress
    3. mugwort
  14. N

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    1. northern red oak
  15. O

    Back to letters
    1. Oriental bittersweet
    2. Oriental lady's thumb
  16. P

    Back to letters
    1. Palmer amaranth
    2. palmleaf morningglory
    3. panicledleaf ticktrefoil
    4. partridge pea
    5. perplexed ticktrefoil
    6. Persian speedwell
    7. Philadelphia fleabane
    8. plantain-leaved pussytoes
    9. poison hemlock
    10. Powell's amaranth
    11. prairie fleabane
    12. prairie tea
    13. prickly Russian thistle
    14. prickly sida
    15. prostrate pigweed
    16. purslane speedwell
  17. Q

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    1. Queen Anne's lace
  18. R

    Back to letters
    1. redroot amaranth
    2. roughfruit amaranth
  19. S

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    1. sericea lespedeza
    2. shepherd's purse
    3. showy rattlebox
    4. sicklepod
    5. slender parsley piert
    6. small hopclover
    7. smallflower buttercup
    8. smallflower morningglory
    9. smooth sumac
    10. sneezeweed
    11. sourwood
    12. spiny amaranth
    13. spotted knapweed
    14. spotted ladysthumb
    15. spotted water hemlock
    16. spurred anoda
    17. sticky ragwort
    18. swamp smartweed
    19. sweet clover
    20. sweet sagewort
  20. T

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    1. threadstalk speedwell
    2. tree-of-heaven
  21. V

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    1. vente conmigo
    2. Virginia creeper
    3. Virginia strawberry
  22. W

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    1. white clover
    2. white heath aster
    3. white mulberry
    4. wild buckwheat
    5. wild grapes
    6. wild radish
    7. wild sarsaparilla
    8. winged sumac
    9. wingstem
    10. woodland bittercress