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Weed Identification

Plant Type - Broadleaf

Filtered Weeds

Loaded 79 weeds sorted by common name (79 weeds)
  1. A

    Back to letters
    1. alligatorweed
    2. American pokeweed
    3. annual sowthistle
    4. autumn olive
  2. B

    Back to letters
    1. bitter dock
    2. bladder campion
    3. brown mustard
    4. bull thistle
    5. butterfly weed
  3. C

    Back to letters
    1. Carolina ponysfoot
    2. common burdock
    3. common cocklebur
    4. common plantain
    5. common St. Johnswort
    6. common viper's bugloss
    7. coralberry
    8. corn gromwell
  4. D

    Back to letters
    1. Deptford pink
  5. E

    Back to letters
    1. eastern black nightshade
  6. F

    Back to letters
    1. field pansy
    2. field pennycress
    3. field pepperweed
    4. Florida beggarweed
  7. G

    Back to letters
    1. garden cornflower
    2. garden lettuce
    3. garden yellowrocket
    4. giant ironweed
  8. H

    Back to letters
    1. hairy fleabane
  9. I

    Back to letters
    1. ivyleaf morningglory
  10. J

    Back to letters
    1. Japanese barberry
    2. Jerusalem artichoke
  11. K

    Back to letters
    1. kochia
  12. L

    Back to letters
    1. lambsquarters
    2. lanceleaf ragweed
    3. largebracted plantain
    4. lawndaisy
    5. little hogweed
  13. M

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    1. maidenstears
    2. man of the earth
    3. mat amaranth
    4. Mexican tea
    5. moth mullein
    6. mouseear cress
  14. N

    Back to letters
    1. narrowleaf plantain
  15. O

    Back to letters
    1. orange hawkweed
    2. Oriental bittersweet
    3. Oriental lady's thumb
  16. P

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    1. Palmer amaranth
    2. pawpaw
    3. Pennsylvania smartweed
    4. perennial pea
    5. prairie fleabane
    6. prickly Russian thistle
    7. prostrate pigweed
    8. purple loosestrife
  17. R

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    1. rape
    2. redstar
    3. roughfruit amaranth
  18. S

    Back to letters
    1. shepherd's purse
    2. showy rattlebox
    3. slender amaranth
    4. smallflower morningglory
    5. smooth pigweed
    6. sneezeweed
    7. spiny amaranth
    8. spiny sowthistle
    9. spoonleaf purple everlasting
    10. spotted ladysthumb
    11. spotted St. Johnswort
    12. sticky ragwort
    13. stickywilly
    14. sweetscented bedstraw
  19. T

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    1. tall globethistle
    2. tall morningglory
  20. V

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    1. Virginia threeseed mercury
  21. W

    Back to letters
    1. western salsify
    2. whitestar
    3. wild buckwheat
  22. Y

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    1. yellow spring bedstraw