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Weed Identification

Plant Type - Broadleaf

Filtered Weeds

Loaded 84 weeds sorted by common name (84 weeds)
  1. A

    Back to letters
    1. absinthe
    2. annual sowthistle
    3. arrowleaf sida
  2. B

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    1. bearded beggarticks
    2. bigpod sesbania
    3. bird's-foot trefoil
    4. blackeyed Susan
    5. brown mustard
    6. browneyed Susan
    7. buffalobur
    8. butterweed
  3. C

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    1. Canada goldenrod
    2. Canada lettuce
    3. clammy groundcherry
    4. common evening primrose
    5. common groundsel
    6. common ragweed
    7. common sunflower
    8. common yellow oxalis
    9. corn chamomile
    10. creeping primrose
    11. crosswort
    12. cursed buttercup
  4. D

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    1. devil's beggartick
    2. disc mayweed
  5. E

    Back to letters
    1. early yellowrocket
    2. eastern daisy fleabane
  6. F

    Back to letters
    1. field mustard
    2. field pansy
    3. flower of an hour
  7. G

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    1. garden lettuce
    2. garden yellowrocket
    3. giant goldenrod
  8. H

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    1. hairy fleabane
    2. hedgemustard
    3. hemp dogbane
    4. horseweed
  9. I

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    1. Indian strawberry
  10. J

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    1. Jerusalem artichoke
  11. L

    Back to letters
    1. lanceleaf ragweed
    2. large hopclover
    3. lawndaisy
    4. longleaf groundcherry
    5. low hopclover
  12. M

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    1. mayapple
    2. moth mullein
    3. mugwort
    4. musk thistle
  13. N

    Back to letters
    1. narrowleaf hawksbeard
    2. Norwegian cinquefoil
  14. P

    Back to letters
    1. panicledleaf ticktrefoil
    2. partridge pea
    3. perennial sowthistle
    4. Philadelphia fleabane
    5. piedmont bedstraw
    6. prairie fleabane
    7. prickly lettuce
    8. prickly sida
  15. R

    Back to letters
    1. rape
  16. S

    Back to letters
    1. sensitive partridge pea
    2. showy rattlebox
    3. sicklepod
    4. small hopclover
    5. smallflower buttercup
    6. smooth hawksbeard
    7. sneezeweed
    8. Spanish needles
    9. spiny sowthistle
    10. spotted St. Johnswort
    11. spring avens
    12. St. Anthony's turnip
    13. stickweed
    14. swamp verbena
    15. sweet clover
    16. sweet fennel
    17. sweet sagewort
    18. sweetscented bedstraw
  17. T

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    1. toothed spurge
  18. V

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    1. velvetleaf
  19. W

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    1. western salsify
    2. wild mustard
    3. wild parsnip
    4. wingstem
  20. Y

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    1. yellow spring bedstraw