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Weed Identification

wild garlic



Scientific Name

Allium vineale


Plants emerge in early spring and senesce by early summer. Flowers are typically produced in late spring to early summer.


Foliage has the scent of garlic or onion. Leaves are smooth, round, hollow and can range from a few inches tall to 24 inches at maturity and less than 0.5 inches in diameter.

Identifying Characteristics

Plant grows from a perennial bulb. Typically there is no branching of leaves, there is only one stem/leaf per bulb.

Flower Seed Head

Bulblets, the most common reproductive structure, are formed at the base of the larger bulb underground or at the top of the stem clustered in a spherical shape. However, in some cases wild garlic does make red, purple or pink flowers.

Seed Fruit

When seed is produced, which isn't often, it is contained in an egg-shaped 3 part capsule, and each capsule contains 2 black, flattened, wrinkled seeds.

Where Found

Wild garlic does not tolerate mowing well; it typically grows in areas of infrequent or no mowing such as flowerbeds, pastures, and along fences. Plants often escape mowing in warm season grasses by completing most of the growth cycle while turf is dormant in early spring.

Leaf Arrangement

rolled in bud

Life Cycle


Plant Type
